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Community Spotlight - Teaching with Open Source Tools

# Teaching with Open Source Tools

Welcome to another community spotlight article where we shine a light on open source EDA-related projects. If you want to submit a project, please do so here.

This post recounts experiences from using the Open Source Tools for teaching! Many people have wondered how stable the tools are and whether they can be used in classes. Here is one experience, from UC Santa Cruz!

# Dustin Richmond Bio:

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering in the Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. I did my postdoc in the Bespoke Silicon Group at the Paul Allen School of Computer Science at the University of Washington, and earned my Ph.D. with the Kastner Research Group at the University of California, San Diego.

You can find more about my research and projects on my website.

# What motivated you to use the open source tools in teaching?

I’ve always been curious about reducing barriers in hardware education. One part of my PhD studied how to make hardware design easier for non-hardware engineers and laypeople. This is a critical challenge we’re facing today, as we face a workforce shortage in chip design.

When I started at UCSC I asked: “What is stopping us from training more hardware engineers?”. Or alternatively, ”How can we scale hardware design education?”

This is not a universal opinion, but I personally can’t imagine teaching hundreds of students per quarter (our goal) with vendor tools. They’re excellent when you’re an expert, but I like to compare them to a “Point and Click Adventure Game”. They’re complex! I’m not saying the vendor tools are bad, they’re just complex to install, maintain, use, and write tutorials. And when you’re trying to scale limited teaching resources, that complexity has an opportunity cost.

Logically, that led to the open source tools. They’re less complex – and more transparent.

# Describe the class that uses these tools.

The class I teach is the third course in the Computer Engineering series, and the second in hardware design with Verilog. The first course focuses purely on logic design with structural Verilog. This course introduces behavioral Verilog, verification, and some advanced digital design concepts.

We review structural verilog and then move quickly through always blocks, memories, Look-up-Tables, DSPs, Synthesis, Place & Route, Clocking, functional/formal verification. All of the assignments have some sort of implementation demo on the FPGA we use.

# What tools do you use in your class?

Students use Verilator and Icarus Verilog for simulation, Yosys for synthesis, and NextPNR for Placement, Route and STA. Students also use Symbiyosys for formal verification. Students can also use Verilator for linting – which I highly encourage. To view waveforms, we use Surfer, or GTKWave. To view schematics we use netlistsvg or the dot files emitted by Yosys.

It’s not critical, but to eliminate tool installation overhead and misconfigurations, this is all distributed in a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile is ingested by GitHub Codespaces, so students can run the tools in the cloud via VSCode. To view waveforms, we use the Surfer VSCode Plugin. The end result is an all-in-one interface using VSCode with zero installation overhead.

For implementation, we use the Icebreaker Board with various PMOD peripherals (HDMI, I2S2, Joystick, keypad, Seven-Segment, etc). Not a large board, but we can do streaming audio/video processing.

Finally, I use cocotb for writing testbenches that test student code. To parameterize tests, I use cocotb-test. This all feeds into an autograder, Gradescope, using a library called pytest_utils. We have an open-source autograder at UCSC that I intend to switch to long term.

# What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned?

The open source tools are stable, at least as stable as the vendor tools. I think this is the most common worry – “If I switch, will it explode?”. I can confidently say: No. And even better, when they do explode, you (or a TA) can pretty quickly figure out why. We’ve even had a colleague push through a Verilator pull request mid-quarter.

# What are some of the benefits of switching?

# Verification

How many people have written a testbench that breaks when they switch computers? Or versions? Or vendors? The downside of using one tool for simulation is that it is very easy to write testbenches in Verilog that are secretly dependent on an internal simulation model. By using two simulators we can highlight how Verilog is evaluated, and how a good, tool-agnostic testbench is constructed.

In the class, students spend two weeks writing testbenches. I give them working & buggy code that has been synthesized through Yosys (another benefit). Using testbenches they write, they have to find the working modules and assemble them into a working design.

# Speed

It takes less time to Synthesize, Place, and Route a design than it takes to open some vendor tools. I think this is a critical aspect for exploration. Waiting 5-minutes just to see a light flash is a buzzkill.

# Introspection

This is a pretty universal theme in the tools. Since they’re open source we can actually see what happens when we simulate, synthesize, place and route, etc. We can even open the algorithms in class and dissect them.

With the Lattice FPGAs, it is easier to explain the architecture and then extrapolate to more complex architectures like Intel and AMD.

This introspection extends to visualisation. We use yosys to generate schematics and view the .dot files, or use netlistsvg. We can do this at different steps in the flow to see the abstract circuit, and progressively optimize it. We also do this during lab check-off to ensure that students are synthesizing to memories instead of arrays of registers (or something worse).

# What are some of the drawbacks?

# Lack of Legacy

The vendor tools have 40-odd years of legacy support. There are entire message boards dedicated to solving issues encountered in every tool vendor. When you do encounter an issue in the vendor tools, it is likely many other people have encountered it, if not solved it.

This is changing, and the open source community is great and strong, but 40 years is a lot of ground to make up.

# Student Resistance

Students read job postings, and they want to learn the tools they see in job postings. Our class is titled “Logic Design with Verilog”, so we can focus on the language, not the tools. But where do we draw that line? We’re exploring ideas like using vendor tools in the final weeks of the quarter, after they’ve learned the language, or pushing vendor tools to a capstone.

This is an active area of discussion. Vendor tools should be part of a computer engineering curriculum. How much? And when?

# How can the community support you?

Come visit UC Santa Cruz! The Hardware Systems Collective has a weekly seminar series and we love hearing about cool open source projects.

# How can we get in touch?

Feel free to email! I am happy to share teaching materials, but they’re in repositories, but not in a public form yet.

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