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An open source FPGA toolchain for a large European space-grade FPGA

In what was a major achievement in open source FPGA development, we have now added support for the largest FPGA so far supported by open source tooling! 500,000 LUTs!

In November 2024 we successfully concluded the European Space Agency funded project in collaboration with NanoXplore, known for their space rated FPGAs.

The tool provides developers with a flexible and customizable option for designing for NG-Ultra FPGAs, offering increased reliability through the ability to cross-verify designs using two independent tools.

Future work could focus on expanding support within nextpnr to cover additional FPGA primitives, such as high-speed I/O blocks and SoC integration making it more useful for high complexity designs.

For more information about the project’s results you can read the official report here:

An open source FPGA toolchain for a European space-grade FPGA | Nebula Public Library

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